




HG1.1 – Land South of Merthyr Road, Princetown

4.02 Ha

140 units


This site is a large greenfield site situated at the edge of the existing village of Princetown.  It is bounded by Merthyr Road to the north and west, and the A465 (Heads of the Valleys Road) to the south.  A new housing development comprising 10 detached dwellings has been constructed in the north eastern corner of the site.

Access can be obtained either from Clos Bryn Brith or from the field gate in the centre of the site.

The site contains a variety of habitats including unimproved neutral and acid grassland and wet habitats associated with drainage channels and streams that cross the site.  However, a former tip was reprofiled within the site several years ago, infilling some of the lower-lying central area.  This has resulted in the loss of the acid grassland on the tip as well as the loss of some of the wetter parts of the site.  Whilst the site no longer qualifies as a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation, there are still areas of the site that are worthy of retention. A development brief will be produced to identify areas of importance for biodiversity that should be protected as part of any development.

There is a culvert running through the centre of the site, which is a constraint to development.  Furthermore, the site is crossed by public sewers, which many restrict the density of any development. Protective measures or a diversion of these assets may be required prior to the development proceeding.

The on site provision of a fixed playground facility will be required as part of the development.

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HG1.2 – Land East of Llechryd Bungalow, Llechryd

1.1 Ha

39 units


This site is a relatively large brownfield site, which has been previously used to store coaches.  To the north west of the site there are two existing buildings (garages), which will need to be removed when development on the site proceeds in order for access to be gained from an acceptable point along the B4257 (Merthyr Road).

The site rises steeply along the eastern boundary to the field above, which serves to provide shelter to the eastern part of the site.  Any development should therefore have screening along this boundary to reduce the impact of the site on the wider landscape. The woodland belt along the eastern boundary forms part of a wildlife corridor and this should be retained as part of the development.

A contribution towards the improvement of play facilities at Butetown will be required.

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HG1.3 – Old Barrel Store, Rhymney

0.63 Ha 

15 units


This is a brownfield site within a predominately residential area comprising two plateaux.  The lower plateau contains a redundant stone-built warehouse and covered builders yard. The upper plateau has been used for the storage of skips in the recent past.

The site was granted full planning consent in 2006 for the development of 15 dwellings.

A small part of the site lies within zone C of the flood plain and should any new applications be submitted on the site, it will be necessary for an acceptable Flood Consequences Assessment to accompany any future application. A development brief will be prepared if necessary to address how flood risk may influence any future layouts of the site. 

A new footway will be provided as part of the development along the site boundary adjacent to Golwyg Y Mynydd.

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HG1.4 – Lower Hill Street, Rhymney

0.3 Ha

10 units


This is a sloping site, located within a predominately residential area.  There is a small electricity sub station adjacent to the north easterncorner of the site, and a formal footpath runs adjacent to the eastern boundary.

Access to the site should be either through the existing site access to the north or directly on to Lower Hill Street, subject to the provision of a footway and provision of visibility splays.

One dwelling has been developed to the northern part of the site.  The remaining site was subject to an outline planning permission, which had not been determined as of 1st April 2007 base date. The remainder of the site would have the approximate capacity of 10 dwellings.

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HG1.5 – Maerdy Garage adjacent to Maerdy House, Rhymney

0.79 Ha

16 units


The site consists of a commercial garage and adjoining underused space, located to the south east of Maerdy Industrial Estate, with council buildings and St Clares old person’s complex located to the south and Maerdy Industrial Estate to the north west.

The site was granted outline consent in 2002 for the erection of a residential development, with 4 plots out of the 16 plots identified in the indicative layout having reserved matters consent.

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HG1.6 – Maerdy Crossing, Rhymney

2.4 Ha

57 units


A large brownfield site located to the south of Rhymney. The site comprises a flat plateau which drops away steeply to the River Rhymney and a sports ground to the south west.  A large housing estate is located on the hillside north east of the site, beyond the B4257 linking Rhymney to Abertysswg.

There are records of culverts in the northern part of the site and these may be constraints to development.

Access should be obtained from the existing access point on the B4257, although a boundary wall may need to be demolished to ensure adequate visibility and footway width can be secured.

The southern part of the site, incorporating the embankment area and woodland/scrub should be retained as part of any future development.  This has been designated part of the Rhymney River SINC (NH3.1).  A development brief will be produced to identify areas of importance for biodiversity that should be protected as part of any development.

Improvements to off site recreation facilities in the local area will be required as part of the development.

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HG1.7 – Former Depot South of Pontlottyn Link Road, Pontlottyn

1.02 Ha

36 units


The site is located directly north of the housing site at Heol Evan Wynne (HG1.8) although is at an elevated level.  The site is currently used to store wooden pallets. Playing fields and the Heads of the Valleys Industrial Estate lie north west of the site, with the A469 Pontlottyn link road forming the north east boundary.

Access can be obtained using the existing arrangements off Merchant Street. A footway would need to be provided on the northern side of the access.

An off site contribution will be required to upgrade play and recreation facilities at Pontlottyn Welfare Ground.

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HG1.8 – Heol Evan Wynne, Pontlottyn

1.13 Ha

10 units


The site of a former British Legion Club, located at the northern end of Pontlottyn and is bounded to the east by the main A469.  Fourteen dwellings have been completed as part of the first phase of development and these lie to the south of the site, with access to the site being obtained off the new access road.  To the north of the site at a higher level is the former depot, which is also allocated for housing under HG1.7.

The site was granted full planning consent for 16 dwellings for the second phase of development in 2006. As of the base date 1st April 2007, 10 of these units had not been started.

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HG1.9 – Greensway, Abertysswg

0.82 Ha 

28 units


This is a small site at the eastern end of Abertysswg, which will round off the settlement. The site adjoins housing development to the north and west, with open countryside and sports facilities to the south.

Access can be obtained from Greensway from the north of the site, although a culvert is located on the western boundary of the site and this may be a constraint to development.

Parts of the public sewerage network suffer from hydraulic overloading. No Regulatory improvements are planned under Dwr Cymru Welsh Water’s current 5 year Capital Investment Programme.  Should this site be developed in advance of any regulatory improvements, developers may be required to fund the essential improvements. The site is also crossed by public sewers, which may restrict the density of the development proposed.

An off site contribution will be required to upgrade existing sports facilities at Abertysswg Recreation Ground.

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HG1.10 – Land south west of Carn Y Tyla Terrace, Abertysswg

7.08 Ha 

133 units


A large greenfield site on the northwestern edge of Abertysswg. The site is a sloping area of land, which is currently used for grazing. The site is characterised by grassland with a narrow woodland belt, which dissects the site in a north east to south west direction. A watercourse follows the line of this woodland belt.

The site has been subject to an outline planning application for a residential development. As of 1st April 2007, the application was deferred for completion of a Section 106 agreement. The indicative layout identifies 133 dwellings could be accommodated on the site.

A contribution towards off site improvements to local pitches and changing accommodation has been negotiated as part of the Section 106 agreement.

Should any future applications be submitted, it may be necessary to produce a site development brief to identify the ways in which constraints to development can be overcome and principal design requirements.

Access to the site should be obtained from Carn Y Tyla Terrace at the brow of the hill.

A condition has been attached to the planning consent requiring a hydraulic modelling assessment of the public sewerage system to be undertaken and the required improvement works identified as a result of the assessment shall be constructed prior to the development.

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HG1.11 – Land adjacent to Brynglas, Pontlottyn

1.2 Ha

56 units


This is a greenfield site located to the west of Pontlottyn Junior School.  Open land lies to the north of the site, beyond which are allotment gardens, with residential development to the south and east.  The site slopes down in an easterly direction and is crossed by a number of informal footpaths.

A single road leading off Fochriw Road will provide access to all properties.

Full planning consent was granted in 2007 for 56 dwellings.

A contribution towards improvements to off site recreation areas has been secured as part of the planning consent

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HG1.12 – Land off Railway Terrace, Fochriw

4.2 Ha

147 units


A large brownfield site on the north western edge of Fochriw. Rows of terraced housing were previously located on the southern part of the site, and although this has now been demolished, the existing street pattern still remains.  The site lies to the west of existing residential development and allotment gardens and is surrounded by open countryside on the western and northern boundaries.  There is a cluster of sheds and stables located within the site boundary.

It is anticipated that the load generated by the development may require the reinforcement of the gas network. An element of this reinforcement may be chargeable to the developer.

A culvert is located to the east of the site leading to an open channel to the rear of Cae Glas.  The site is also crossed by public sewers, which may restrict the density of the development proposed.

The site lies immediately adjacent to a SINC and a protective buffer should be included as part of any development.  A site development brief will be produced to identify the ways in which constraints to development can be overcome and principal design requirements.

Access can be obtained from the junction with Station Terrace subject to improvements to the junction to ensure adequate visibility is available. Footways along Railway Terrace would need to be provided.

An off site contribution will be required to upgrade existing play and sports facilities within the village of Fochriw.

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HG1.13 – Land at Graig Rhymney, New Tredegar

2.61 Ha

30 units


An area of land forming part of Graig Rhymney Farm situated to the west of the Rhymney Valley railway and east of the A469.  Terraced residential properties are located to the south west of the site and a public house and terraced residential dwellings to the north east.

The site was granted outline planning consent for 30 dwellings in 2006.

The site is crossed by a public sewer and a trunk/distribution water main, which may constrain development.

Access to the site is to be obtained from the A469.

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HG1.14 – Land adjacent to Abernant Road, Markham

2.34 Ha

82 units


This is an attractive greenfield site located at the southern entrance to Markham, which would offer the opportunity to round off the settlement.  The site slopes gently from the west to the east.  The site comprises a few mature trees, and these should be incorporated into the development.  A site development brief will be produced to identify the ways in which constraints to development can be overcome and principal design requirements.

A suitable access can be obtained from a new access off Abernant Road.

A contribution to improved recreational facilities at King George Field in Markham and the area of open space at Sunny View in Argoed would be required.

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HG1.15 – Bedwellty Road, Aberbargoed

7.34 Ha 

180 units


The site is located west of an existing housing estate known as Cwrt Neuaddwen and west of open fields.  Playing fields are located to the south of the site.  The area comprises three fields to the south west of Bedwellty Road, with a group of agricultural buildings in the middle of these fields, and part of one field to the north of Bedwellty Road. A proposed new road runs along the outer edge of the proposed housing forming the eastern boundary to the site.  Access to the site is to be obtained via the new road.

An outline planning application has been submitted on the site. This was awaiting determination as of the base date of 1st April 2007.

A contribution towards the improvement of play facilities and off site recreation facilities have been negotiated as part of the planning application. 

Difficulties may be experienced in making an adequate supply of water available and off site mains will be required. It has been advised by Welsh Water that no more than 104 dwellings should be occupied until such time as improvements to the off site public sewerage system is completed and operational. It may be possible for the developer to fund the accelerated provision of essential improvements.

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HG1.16 – Land adjacent to Gelynos Avenue, Argoed

0.72 Ha

13 units


A linear site will extend the existing residential street of Gelynos Avenue.  The site lies south of a housing estate, with housing and a former school on a lower level to the east.  Several new houses have been developed at a higher level on land to the west of the site.  A new access road has already been constructed to serve this site and the new dwellings recently constructed to the west.

The site was granted outline consent in 2004 to create 13 building plots.  As of 1st April 2007, a full application was awaiting determination for the erection of 4 dwellings on the northern part of the site and a separate application for the erection of one dwelling on the southern part of the site.

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HG1.17 – Aberbargoed and District Hospital, Aberbargoed

0.56 Ha

20 units


This is the site of Aberbargoed hospital, which is due to close after the opening of the new general hospital in Ystrad Mynach in 2010, as allocated under CF1.17.  The site is located to the south and west of existing residential development and to the east of a nursing home.

The preferred access into the site would be from a new point east of the existing access as a continuation of Pant Street.

The site is crossed by public sewers, which may restrict the density of any development.  Protective measures or a diversion of these assets may be required prior to the development proceeding.

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HG1.18 – Aberbargoed Plateau, Aberbargoed

11.8 Ha

413 units


This site is situated on the main thoroughfare through Aberbargoed.  Access to the site will be obtained via a link road off Angel Way.  The western boundary should be heavily landscaped to complement the creation of the country park and reduce the level of noise from traffic on the new road.  Pedestrian routes should be incorporated to link the development effectively to the country park. 

Parts of the public sewerage network suffer from hydraulic overloading. No Regulatory improvements are planned under Dwr Cymru Welsh Water’s current 5 year Capital Investment Programme.  Should this site be developed in advance of any regulatory improvements, developers may be required to fund the essential improvements.  Furthermore, it is anticipated that the load generated by the development may require the reinforcement of the gas network.  An element of this reinforcement may be chargeable to the developer.

There are records of culverts under the site and this should be taken into account in the design of any development.

The provision of an on site children’s play facility will be required, in addition to a contribution towards the upgrade of playing pitches at the former Bedwellty School site.

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HG1.19 – Bargoed Retail Plateau, Bargoed

2.7 Ha

48 units


This allocation relates to the 48 apartments proposed as part of the wider regeneration scheme for Bargoed town centre, as allocated under CM4.2 for a cinema, foodstore, other retail units and car parking. The site is brownfield, comprising a car park and future made up ground.

Negotiations are currently underway regarding the preferred developer for the site and the exact locations of the apartments will be determined as part of the planning application process.

A contribution towards the upgrade of play facilities in Bargoed Park will be required.

Access to the site will be obtained from the new Angel Way Relief Road.

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HG1.20 – YGC Cwm Rhymni, Bargoed

0.62 Ha

28 units


This is the site of the former YGC Cwm Rhymni.  The original school buildings have now been demolished. The site is rectangular in shape and is bounded to the north by terraced dwellings along Upper Wood Street.  Park Primary School is located to the east of the site with terraced houses to the northeast of the site.  Terraced residential dwellings running along Park Crescent are located beyond a side lane, which abuts the southern boundary of the site.

Access should be obtained from Upper Wood Street to the north of the site. 

The site was granted full planning consent in 2007 for a 100% affordable housing developmentcomprising 28 dwellings.

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HG1.21 – Park Estate, Bargoed

1.5 Ha

53 units


This is a large greenfield site located to the east of Western Drive, Bargoed. The land slopes gently in a southerly and easterly direction. The site is bordered to the north and south by residential development. Residential development at this location will form a logical rounding off to this part of Bargoed.

The Taraggan Project, a community based organic allotment and education facility, adjoins the north-eastern corner of the housing allocation.  Care will need to be taken that the layout of the proposed development takes appropriate account of the Taraggan project to ensure its continued operation, and accommodate some limited expansion if required.

The site is crossed by public sewers, which may restrict the density of any proposed development.

Access can be obtained from the existing road to the south of the site, although this will need to be upgraded.

A contribution to the upgrade of Gilfach Fargoed pitch will be required.

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HG1.22 – Bedwellty Comprehensive School, Aberbargoed

1.88 Ha

74 units


This is the site of the former Bedwellty Comprehensive School, which has now been demolished. The site lies to the east of the residential area of Britannia and south of the Bowen Industrial Estate. A Special Area of Conservation (SAC) lies on the eastern boundary. A site development brief will be produced to identify the ways in which constraints to development can be overcome and principal design requirements.

The housing element of the site will be located on the northern part of the site on the footprint of the existing school building. The playing fields to the south of the site (allocated under LE4.5) are to be retained and the developer will need to provide appropriate changing facilities as part of the development. A large area of TPO woodland lies to the south of the site, along with specific TPO designations on the western and north eastern boundary.

Access to the site can be obtained from the A4049 Pengam Road.

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HG1.23 – Land within the curtilage of the Pentwyn Inn, Trinant

0.4 Ha

19 units


This is a small flat area located in the northern part of the village of Trinant.  The site adjoins existing housing to the north and east.  A small shopping square is located directly south of the site and there is a public house to thewest.

The site was granted outline consent in 2005 for 13 dwellingsand a subsequent full planning application for 19 dwellings was awaiting determination as of the base date

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HG1.24 – Land off Brynhoward Terrace, Oakdale

2.2 Ha

77 units


The site lies to the north of a rear lane serving Bryn Howard Terrace and is bordered by residential development to the east, west and south, with agricultural land to the north.

An outline planning application was submitted in 2007 with access to be obtained from the adjoining residential development to the east. The application is currently awaiting determination.

As part of the application, a commuted sum contribution has been negotiated for the improvement and management of the Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (Penrhiw Bengi Marsh) which lies to the north of the site.

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HG1.25 – Allotment Garden, Llwyn On Lane, Oakdale

1.37 Ha

49 units


This is the site of an existing allotment garden to the south of Llwyn-On Lane and the Oakdale Miner’s Welfare Recreation Ground. The site is bordered by housing to the east and west, with open farmland forming the southern boundary.

The site was granted outline planning consent in 2007.This consent was subject to a replacement allotment site being located in close proximity to the site.

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HG1.26 – Blackwood Ambulance Station, Blackwood

0.68 Ha

24 units


This is a brownfield site comprising the site of Blackwood ambulance station and the adjoining Tir Sirhowy unit located within the primarily residential area of Cwm Gelli.

A culvert runs diagonally across the site and this may restrict the density of any development. In addition, public sewers cross the site and protective measures or a diversion of these assets may be required prior to development proceeding.

The preferred access into the site is from High Street.

A contribution will be required to upgrade play and sports facilities at the Showfield in Blackwood and the open space at Cwm Gelli.

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HG1.27 – Pencoed Avenue, Cefn Fforest

1.87 Ha

65 units


This site comprises an area of rough open ground with grass and scrub on the western edge of the built-up area of Cefn Fforest. The eastern part of the site is relatively flat, but to the west it falls quite steeply towards Waunborfa Road. The eastern part of the site is used for commercial purposes with an access off Waunborfa Road. The Barn Hill industrial buildings lie to the northwest.

The site comprises two adjoining areas of land that both have the benefit of outline planning consent for housing. The eastern part of the site was granted a renewal of outline consent in 2006 for the demolition of workshops and the construction of housing. The western part of the site was granted a renewal of outline consent in 2005 and, as a result of an appeal in 2007, the condition limiting the number of units to 13 dwellings was removed.

Access to the site should be obtained from Central Avenue.

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HG1.28 – Land East of Bryn Road, Cefn Fforest

0.68 Ha 

24 units


This is a brownfield infill site in a predominately residential area, currently used as a depot. The site is located to the north of a community centre, with residential development to the east and west

The existing access into the site from Bryn Road is considered acceptable subject to the improvement of visibility.

The site is crossed by a public sewer, which may restrict the density of the development proposed.

A contribution will be required towards the upgrade of play facilities at Cefn Fforest Welfare Ground.

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HG1.29 – South of Thorncombe Road, Blackwood

0.34 Ha

12 units


A small greenfield site located off Thorncombe Road south of the junction with David Street.  The site is a relatively flat plateau area between an established residential development to the north and a recently constructed retail development known as Blackwood Gate to the south. A Council owned car park is located to the west.

Access to the site is to be obtained from Thorncombe Road, subject to improvements to the carriageway width and pedestrian provision along the frontage and the section of Thorncombe leading westwards from the site to its junction with High Street.

An outline planning application has been submitted on the site, which has been deferred for the completion of a Section 106 agreement. This indicative layout identifies that the site has a capacity of approximately 12 dwellings.

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HG1.30 – Land at Hawtin Park, Pontllanfraith

5.55 Ha

194 units


This is a large greenfield site located to the west of the Bryn housing estate and south of Hawtin Park Industrial Estate.

It is anticipated that the load generated by the development may require the reinforcement of the gas network.  An element of this reinforcement may be chargeable to the developer.

The site is designated as a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (NH3.77) and therefore it will be necessary for a site development brief to be produced to identify the ways in which constraints to development can be overcome and principal design requirements, having regard for the SINC.

As part of any development a contribution towards pitch improvements in the catchment area and an off site fixed equipment playground at the Bryn will be required as part of any development.

An outline planning application has been submitted on the site and is awaiting determination.

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HG1.31 – Oak Terrace, Fleur-de-Lys

0.69 Ha

21 units


This is a small flat site, which will provide a natural rounding off of Fleur-de-Lys, with housing located to the south and west of the site. The recently completed Oak Terrace relief road forms the northern boundary of the site, with access to the land being obtained from a new spur off the bypass.

A contribution towards the upgrade of play and recreation facilities at Trelyn Park will be required.

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HG1.32 – Tir-y-berth, Hengoed

4.95 Ha

173 units


This is a large flat site located in Tir-y-Berth, currently comprising a mixture of businesses including a garage and a car dismantling business. The site is bordered to the east by employment land and to the west by the railway. A recent housing estate forms the northern boundary and a more established housing estate is located to the south.

A culvert crosses the site south of Cwm Yr Allt Lane and this should be identified as a constraint to development. The site is in part constrained by the presence of an electricity pylon and associated electric cables.

Parts of the public sewerage network suffer from hydraulic overloading. No Regulatory improvements are planned under Dwr Cymru Welsh Water’s current 5 year Capital Investment Programme. Should this site be developed in advance of any regulatory improvements, developers may be required to fund the essential improvements. The site is also crossed by public sewers, which may restrict the density of the development proposed.

The woodland/scrub and neutral grassland priority habitats adjoining the railway and in the southern part of the site should be retained as part of any development. A site development brief will be produced to identify the ways in which constraints to development can be overcome and principal design requirements.

A contribution would be required to upgrade existing play, recreation and community facilities.

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HG1.33 – Penallta Colliery, Ystrad Mynach

27.18 Ha

689 units


The site forms part of the former Penallta Colliery complex, which has now been reclaimed.

The site was granted full planning consent in 2003 for a mixed-use development incorporating 580 dwellings, including the conversion of the listed pithead buildings on the site. The masterplan for the site also identifies the provision of a primary school, playing pitch, employment and commercial use.

In line with the conditions of the planning consent, details of the siting, design and external appearance have been submitted to the local authority for approval as phases of the scheme have progressed. On the basis of these details it is apparent that the number of dwellings likely to be delivered on this site within the plan period will be far greater than that initially anticipated in the masterplan. It is currently expected that the site will deliver in the region of 825 units in total, across the new build and listed building conversion schemes. As of the base date of the 1st April 2007 Joint Housing Land Availability Study, the first phase of the development comprising 136 dwellings had been completed, resulting in a residual 689 units to be constructed in the period 2007-2021.

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HG1.34 – Penallta Yard, Ystrad Mynach

0.29 Ha

10 units


This is a brownfield site currently utilised for industrial purposes. A disused mineral railway line abuts the western boundary of the site beyond which are residential dwellings on the estate known as Heathlands.  Semi-detached dwellings are located to the southwest of the site.

The site was granted a renewal of outline consent in 2007 with access obtained off Penallta Road.

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HG1.35 – Land at New Road, Ystrad Mynach

0.54 Ha

18 units


This site is currently occupied by a prominent concrete works, bordered by a major road to the west with trees subject to TPOs forming the eastern boundary of the site, which should be protected as part of any development. The site lies directly south of the Hengoed Viaduct and the Maesycwmmer conservation area and therefore the design of any development should have regard to this historic environment. A site development brief will be produced to identify the ways in which constraints to development can be overcome and principal design requirements.

A satisfactory access can be obtained on to New Road.

The site is crossed by public sewers, which may restrict the density of any development.

A planning application has been submitted for the change of use from industrial to residential on the site. This application is awaiting determination.

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HG1.36 – Land off Valley View, Hengoed

1.46 Ha

31 units


This is a greenfield site on the eastern edge of Cefn Hengoed. To the west of the site is an established residential area, with open countryside forming to the east and south of the site.  Below to the east are open fields occupying the lower part of the valley side; on the valley floor is the built-up area of Tir-y-berth, with the settlement area of Fleur–de-Lys on the eastern valley side facing the site.  A Public Right of Way crosses the site.

Part of the site has the benefit of full planning consent. Phase 1, comprising 11 dwellings, was granted consent in 2005 and an application for 20 dwellings has been submitted for the second phase of development. The phase 2 application is awaiting determination.

The eastern-most part of the site is designated as part of the Cefn Hengoed Hillside SINC (NH3.63) and should any future applications be submitted on the site, this should be taken into consideration in the design of any scheme.

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HG1.37 – Greenhill Primary School, Gelligaer

2.8 Ha

32 units


A large flat site, proposed for a mixed-use development involving a replacement primary school (allocated under CF1.13) and housing. The site is located on the western edge of the settlement of Gelligaer, bordering agricultural fields to the west and housing to the north, south and east.

The existing school site will be relocated on the undeveloped western part of the site, with the existing site being redeveloped for housing. It is anticipated that 0.9 Ha of the site will be available for housing.

Access should be obtained from a new access road from Penywrlod in the northeastern corner of the site.

A tree subject to a Tree Protection Order is located on the eastern boundary of the site.

The site is crossed by a public sewer, which may restrict the density of the development proposed.

A contribution will be required to upgrade play and recreation space at Greenhill Recreation Ground.

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HG1.38 – Land to the east of Handball Court, Nelson

3.36 Ha

90 units


This is a brownfield site well related to the centre of Nelson and adjoining Nelson Park. A Grade II listed Handball Court is located to the west of the site and development would need to enhance the setting of this building. A full planning application was submitted in 2007 and as of 1st April 2007 base date, was awaiting determination.

The site is crossed by a public combined sewer and is within close proximity to a public foul sewerage pumping station. Dwellings should not to be constructed within a 15m vicinity of the pumping station. 

Any proposals above 72 dwellings may hydraulically overload the public sewerage system and as such Dwr Cymru Welsh Water oppose any additional development above this. To overcome this objection the developer will be required to fund a hydraulic modelling exercise on the public sewerage system, the conclusion of the study will determine the connection point and/or any improvement works required to accommodate the foul flows from additional dwellings. Alternatively the developer may wish to consider requisitioning a new sewer.

There is a culvert / watercourse within the vicinity of the northern section of the site and this may be a constraint to development.

The site is immediately adjacent to a SINC and it is important that any development does not adversely harm the areas. Furthermore, the tree boundary to the east of the site should be retained, including the area of TPO woodland in the south eastern corner of the site. Should any future applications be submitted, it may be necessary to produce a site development brief to identify the ways in which constraints to development can be overcome and principal design requirements.

A contribution will be sought to enhance play and recreation facilities at Llwyn Yr Eos recreation ground and Wern open space.

The site layout will be required to incorporate a small number of parking bays for visitors to Wern Park

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HG1.39 – Former Cattle Market Site, Nelson

0.62 Ha 

12 units


The site of the former cattle market site within the settlement of Nelson. The site is roughly triangular in shape and is bounded on two sides by lanes to the rear of Dynevor Terrace and Commercial Street/Heol Fawr.

The site was granted a reserved matters consent in 2004 for the erection of 12 dwellings. As of 1st April 2007, no development had been started.

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HG1.40 – Land at Gellideg Heights, Maesycwmmer

3.91 Ha

137 units


This is a large site on the eastern extent of the village of Maesycwmmer.  The site comprises a number of former industrial and warehousing units at Gellideg Industrial Estate, the majority of which are now derelict and would benefit from substantial redevelopment. The site boundary includes all units on the eastern site of Gellideg Lane including the coal yard to the south, as well as one industrial unit to the west of the road.

A watercourse lies to the west of the site, which is culverted in part. This may be a constraint to development.

The existing access points into the site are deemed suitable. However, the junction with the A472 is poor and would require substantial upgrading as part of any development proposal.

An on site fixed play facility would be required as part of any development in addition to an off site contribution towards the improvement of formal pitches and changing rooms.

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HG1.41 – Land at Ty Pwll, Pantside

0.64 Ha

16 units


The site is located to the southern side of Tir-y-Pwll Terrace in the settlement of Pantside. The site is steeply sloping and is located south of a row of bungalows, to the east of a farmhouse and west of an area of informal recreation.

The site was granted full planning consent in 2007 for the erection of 16 dwellings. As of the base date of 1st April 2007, this site remained undeveloped.

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HG1.42 – Land west of Old Pant Road, Pantside

2.2 Ha

56 units


An undeveloped site in the settlement of Pantside, covered in scrub, grass and mature deciduous trees some of which are the subject of Tree Preservation Orders. It is positioned between existing residential areas lying to the south of Ellesmere Court and southwest of Hazelwood Road.

A full application for 56 dwellings is currently awaiting determination on the site. However, should any new applications be submitted, it may be necessary for a site development brief to be prepared for the site.

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HG1.43 – The Stores, Albertina Road, Newbridge

0.41 Ha

10 units


The site lies to the west of Albertina Road, north of the junction with Royal Crescent. The site is overgrown with trees on the western boundary and a number of lock-up garages at the southern end of the site. The site adjoins existing housing to the north, east and south, and open countryside to the west.

The site was granted outline consent in 2005 for the erection of a residential development. It is considered that the site is capable of accommodating approximately 10 dwellings. Consent is subject to the implementation of a one-way system from the junction adjoining 19 Albertina Road to Royal Crescent to the south of the site.

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HG1.44 – Land at Fields Park, Newbridge

2.3 Ha

80 units


This is a 2.3 hectare site located to the north of Gilboa Road and to the east of Fields Park, Newbridge.  The land slopes in an easterly direction, steeply in parts.  The northern part of the site comprises grazing land edged by mature trees, whilst the southern part of the site incorporates the former railway land which runs from Fields Park Road to the rear of Homeleigh, Newbridge.

Access into the site should be obtained through the gate adjoining Martins Field on to New Bryngwyn Road as Gilboa is substandard.

An off site contribution will be required to upgrade existing play and recreation facilities at Fields Park, Newbridge.

It is anticipated that the load generated by the development may require the reinforcement of the gas network. An element of this reinforcement may be chargeable to the developer. 

A culvert is located on the eastern boundary of the site and may be a constraint to development.

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HG1.45 – Pennar Lane, Newbridge

4.0 Ha

63 units


The site lies at the edge of the built up area of Newbridge, north of properties on Pennar Lane, west of a group of detached dwellings on New Bryngwyn Road and south of the Pentwyn-Isaf Woodland. The site consists of mainly open fields, with the western area falling sharply towards a former railway bed. The site adjoins a designated SINC (NH3.91).

The site was granted full consent for 94 dwellings in 2006. Construction has begun on the site and as of 1st April 2007, 63 dwellings had not been started.

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HG1.46 – Chris Bowen Garage, Newbridge

0.08 Ha

16 units


The site is comprises a garage and car sales site located on High Street, Newbridge. The garage adjoins a row of houses to the west and is opposite a number of commercial properties.

The site was granted full planning consentin 2006 for the erection of16 apartments and as of the base date of 1st April 2007, this development had not been started.

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HG1.47 – Land west of the A467 and Afon Ebbw, Abercarn

8.7 Ha

269 units


This site comprises the former South Celynen Colliery, which been reclaimed for development, on the western side of the River Ebbw with the recently opened Ebbw Valley railway located to the west.

Outline consent was granted for the development of the whole site for housing in 2001 with reserved matters applications being granted for the first phase of 205 dwellings in 2005 and the second phase of 177 dwellings in 2007. As of the base date of 1st April 2007, a total of 269 dwellings were undeveloped. The site comprises a mixture of houses and high-density apartments.

Part of the site lies within zone C of the flood plain and should any new applications be submitted on the site, it will be necessary for an acceptable Flood Consequences Assessment to accompany any future application.

A river SINC (NH3.12) is designated on the eastern part of the site and, should any future applications be submitted on the site, protection to the SINC should be provided as part of any scheme.

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HG1.48 – Twyncarn House, Cwmcarn

0.39 Ha

26 units


A small brownfield site formerly used as a day centre in the southern part of the village of Cwmcarn. The site adjoins a church to the south and residential and small retail units to the north and east. A woodland corridor forms a buffer between the site and the A467 to the west.

Access can be obtained from the existing access point on Newport Road, although this junction would need to be improved to ensure adequate visibility can be achieved. A footway would also need to be provided.

The trees forming the western and southern boundaries should be retained as part of any development.

Social Housing Grant has been awarded for a 100% affordable housing scheme for 26 elderly person units.

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HG1.49 – Land at Hilary Rise, Pontywaun

1.1 Ha

20 units


The site comprises a single field currently used for the grazing of horses. The western edge of the site falls steeply towards the rear gardens of Nos 38-68 Garden Suburbs. To the east, the site rises towards Hilary Rise alongside which a number of split-level dwellings have been constructed. Beyond this the land rises steeply to wooded countryside. A stream that flows into a culvert in the southwestern corner marks the southern boundary of the site. To the south of the site is a field used for grazing. At the access to the site there are existing garages.

Consent was given for a reserved matters planning application in 2007 for 20 dwellings with access gained off Silver Street/Hilary Rise at the northern end of the site.

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HG1.50 – Land adjacent to Pen-y-Cwarel Road, Wyllie

1.6 Ha

56 units


A greenfield site located on the western edge of Wyllie, which would represent a natural rounding off of the settlement. The site is bordered to the north and east by residential development with open countryside and woodland to the west. The site slopes gently up the valley site from east to west and comprises mostly scrubland and trees.

The site is crossed by public sewers, which may restrict the density of any development.

The site could be accessed either from the south of the site off Pen-y-cwarel Road, subject to the provision of footways, or via the boundary from The Avenue, although additional land would need to be acquired.

A contribution towards the upgrade of the formal playground and youth facilities in Wyllie will be required.

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HG1.51 – Land north east of Llanarth Street, Wattsville

2.16 Ha

30 units


This site is a parcel of land rectangular in shape that lies north west of Nine Mile Point Road, and south west of Troed y Rhiw Road in Wattsville, covering an area of 2.82 Ha. The southwestern-most part of the site adjoins the bungalows at Llanarth Street.

The site received consent for the construction of 59 dwellings in 2004. As of the base date of the 1st April 2007 Joint Housing Land Availability Study, 30 of the 59 units had not been started.

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HG1.52 – Land at Station Approach, Risca

0.51 Ha

10 units


The site is an area of disused land formerly a route of a railway line and related buildings. The site is located to the east of Tredegar Street with access from Park Road. There are commercial properties to the west at a lower level, houses to the south and the recently opened Ebbw Valley railway line to the east.

The site was granted a reserved matters consent in 2005 for the erection of 10 dwellings. As of 1st April 2007, no development had been started.

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HG1.53 – Rom River, Risca

1.9 Ha

38 units


The site is located at the northern end of Mill Street, to the east of Risca town centre. It was formerly used as a steel processing manufacturing facility.  To the north of the site is an established residential development. The southern boundary of the site abuts the Ebbw Valley railway line.

Full planning consent was granted in 2005 for 64 dwellings. As of the base date of 1st April 2007, 38 dwellings had not been started.

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HG1.54 – Eastern part of land adjacent to River Ebbw, Pontymister

1.38 Ha

48 units


The site comprises the former Bird’s factory to the rear of 139 –153 Commercial Street, a former public car park and nursery to the rear of the Risca House pub. The site is bounded to the south by the River Ebbw, to the east by the Pontymister Link Road and to the north by a mix of commercial uses.

A culvert runs across the western part of the site from north east to south west, which may restrict the density and layout of any development.

The site, along with land to the west of the river, was subject to a planning application for a mix of uses including residential development. As of 1st April 2007, this application had been deferred subject to the signing of a Section 106 agreement.

As part of this application, a Flood Consequences Assessment has been undertaken, proposing areas in the 100-year flood level to be retained to provide lowered flood plain compensatory areas where no development can take place. The Environment Agency has no objection to the proposed development as the risk and consequences of flooding can be acceptably managed. However, should a new application be submitted on the site, another Flood Consequences Assessment will need to be submitted as an integral part of the application. 

A contribution to wards play and recreation space improvements at Tredegar Park, Pontymister Welfare Ground and Ty Isaf Recreation Ground would be required as part of any future development.

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HG1.55 – Suflex Factory, Pontymister

2.1 Ha

88 units


This is a brownfield site formerly used for manufacturing and office use. To the east there are recreational grounds and to the west is an existing residential estate.

The River Ebbw forms the southern-most boundary to the site. The two access points into the existing site are acceptable to serve the existing development.

A planning application has been submitted on the site, which is awaiting determination.

A contribution has been sought towards a formal play facility and improvements to pitches.

The site lies within zone C of the flood plain. A flood consequences assessment has been undertaken as part of the application. The Environment Agency has no objection to the proposed development as the risk and consequences of flooding can be acceptably managed.However, should any new applications be submitted on the site, it will be necessary for a new Flood Consequences Assessment to be submitted as an integral part of the application.

The southern-most part of the site has been designated part of the River Ebbw SINC (NH3.12) and, should any future applications be submitted on the site, consideration would need to be given to the protection of the SINC as part of any development. Should any additional applications be submitted, it may be necessary for a site development brief to be produced to identify the ways in which constraints to development can be overcome and principal design requirements.

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HG1.56 – Tyn Y Waun Farm, Machen

0.77 Ha

10 units


This is a brownfield site, previously part of an ash tip and is presently overgrown. The River Rhymney forms the northern boundary to the site and the issue of flood risk has been addressed as part of the planning application. To the west of the site there is a small residential close and to the east there is a new residential development. Trees subject to Tree Preservation Orders are located to the north and east of the site.

A reserved matters consent was granted in 2005 for 10 dwellings, with access being obtained from Chestnut Close. As of the base date of the 1st April 2007 Joint Housing Land Availability Study, development had not been started.

A small part of the site lies within zone C of the flood plain and should any new applications be submitted on the site, it will be necessary for an acceptable Flood Consequences Assessment to accompany any future application.

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HG1.57 – Waterloo Works, Waterloo

17 Ha

545 units


This is a large brownfield site, formerly used as a paint works. The site is bounded to the south by a small number of houses in the village of Waterloo, to the east and west by open countryside, and to the north by the River Rhymney, beyond which is the A468 Caerphilly to Newport road.

An outline planning application has been submitted to redevelop the site for 545 residential units and a primary school. This application has been deferred for the signing of a Section 106 agreement.

Due to the past use of the land, remediation works have been undertaken to ensure that the site is suitable for development.

High voltage overhead transmission lines cross the western part of the site and a 60-metre buffer between these lines and any built development will need to be provided. 

The majority of the site lies within zone C of the flood plain. A Flood Consequences Assessment was submitted as part of the planning application and the findings of this have been found to be acceptable.

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HG1.58 – Former Petrol Filing Station, Trethomas

0.19 Ha 

10 units


This is a site of a former petrol filing station located on the main road through Trethomas. The site is bounded to the north by Newport Road and existing residential properties and to the west by a former chapel. The land to the south is an area of public open space.

The site was granted full consent in 2004 for the erection of 10 dwellings.

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HG1.59 – The Grove, Trethomas

0.46 Ha

13 units


This is a flat brownfield site in the heart of Trethomas.  The site comprises a large number of mature trees and every effort should be made to retain these as an integral part of the development.  The site has the potential to accommodate approximately 10 high quality residential units.  Around the perimeter of the site there is an original stone wall which should be retained.  This wall is a continuation of the boundary around ‘The Grove’, and is the logical means of enclosure for any development at this location.

Access to the site is from the existing road that runs along the northern boundary of the site. The developer is required to upgrade the road to an adoptable standard.

There are records of capped mineshafts on the site and therefore developers should seek appropriate technical advice before works are undertaken on site.

The site was granted full permission for residential development in 2005.

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HG1.60 – Bedwas Colliery, Bedwas

36.22 Ha

630 units


This site comprises a larger former colliery site to the north of the settlements of Bedwas and Trethomas and several fields to the east. The site is proposed for mix of uses including housing, formal leisure (allocated under LE4.12) and a new school (allocated under CF1.33).

High voltage overhead transmission lines cross the site from west to east along the northern boundary of the site and a 60-metre buffer between these lines and any built development will need to be provided. 

Prior to any development it will be necessary for the colliery, including the tip north of the site, to be satisfactorily remediated, including improvements to the drainage of the site.

Parts of the public sewerage network suffer from hydraulic overloading. No Regulatory improvements are planned under Dwr Cymru Welsh Water’s current 5 year Capital Investment Programme. Should this site be developed in advance of any regulatory improvements, developers may be required to fund the essential improvements. The site is also crossed by public sewers, which may restrict the density of the development proposed.

Access to the site is to be obtained from a new access road (allocated under TR7.2) linking the eastern part of the site with Newport Road.

Where possible, the woodland and scrub along the northern boundary of the site should be retained. A site development brief will be produced to identify the ways in which constraints to development can be overcome and principal design requirements.

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HG1.61 – St James Primary School, Caerphilly

2.98 Ha

49 units


A large flat site proposed for a mixed-use development involving a replacement primary school and housing. The site lies directly south of the Mornington Meadows housing estate and to the east and north of a large area of flat informal open space. The Lansbury Park distributor road forms the eastern boundary to the site.

The school currently occupies the northern part of the site fronting Pen Y Cae. It is intended that the school be relocated to the south of the site, allowing the northern area (approximately 1.4 hectares) to be redeveloped for housing.

The site is crossed by public sewers, which may impact on the density of the proposed development and on the layout.

The preferred access should be obtained from Pen Y Cae to the north of the site.

Hedgerows on the boundaries of the site should be retained as part of any development. A site development brief will be produced to identify the ways in which constraints to development can be overcome and principal design requirements.

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HG1.62 – Land at Venosa Trading Estate, Caerphilly

4.55 Ha 

130 units


A brownfield site formerly occupied by industrial premises. The site lies to the rear of an existing residential terrace situated on Bedwas Road. The site is bounded to the west by a recently constructed Aldi food store and residential properties, to the east by some small industrial workshops and to the north by the Virginia Park golf course, part of which is included within the site.

As of the base date of 1st April 2007, a full planning application had been submitted on the site for the construction of 130 residential units. 

The site lies within a C2 flood risk area, although a Flood Consequences Assessment submitted as part of the planning application has been accepted by the Environment Agency as demonstrating that the risk of flooding can be acceptably managed.

A contribution towards off site leisure provision and the onsite provision of a Local Equipped Area of Play will be required as part of any development.

Access will be obtained from the south eastern corner of the site at the junction with Bedwas Road. This junction will need to be upgraded to allow for the required standards to be achieved.

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HG1.63 – Land at Pontypandy, Caerphilly

7.58 Ha

199 units


The site is an irregularly shaped area of land comprising a large detached dwelling and curtilage known as Mackworth Grange, and a substantial area of overgrown land.  The site is relatively flat but is in part extremely wet.  There is peat on the site indicating that the land is poorly drained, and translocation and peat removal works will need to be undertaken.

The land is bounded to the south and west by existing housing, to the east by a retail park and to the north by existing industrial and office uses.

Access into the site should be obtained from the industrial road serving Catnic.

An outline planning application has been submitted on the site, which has been deferred for the completion of a Section 106 agreement. As part of the planning application, a noise assessment has been submitted due to the proximity of the site to an industrial use and, subject to certain operational controls being exercised, the proposal is considered acceptable in terms of noise and disturbance

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HG1.64 – Cardiff Road/Pentrebane Street, Caerphilly

1.12 Ha

127 units


This allocation relates to the residential component of a mixed-use proposal to redevelop the Cardiff Road area of Caerphilly town centre.A full application was submitted for a mixed-use development comprising retail units, offices, residential apartments with a related health club and a public library facility (refer also to allocations CM4.13and CF1.29). The application has been deferred for the signing of a Section 106 Agreement.

The capacity of the site at 127 units is a notably high density, but is deemed acceptable due to the proximity of the site to key transport nodes and other town centre uses. The proposal identified is for the development of apartments on the mezzanine, first, second and third floors of the development, with car parking provision on the ground floor

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HG1.65 – Land between Van Road, Maes Glas and the railway, Caerphilly

1.77 units

62 units


This site lies within the existing settlement boundary for Caerphilly and comprises a mixture of industrial and storage premises together with a number of residential properties.  It is proposed that the access will be gained from the recently completed park and ride access road.

An outline planning application has been submitted on a parcel of land in the centre of the site, which has been deferred for the completion of a Section 106 agreement. A noise assessment and a bat and badger assessment have been submitted with the planning application on part of the site but it may be necessary for additional surveys to be undertaken on the remaining land.

A contribution towards the upgrade of play facilities at Bartlett Road has been negotiated as part of the outline application, although additional contributions may be required for the larger area of land 

A watercourse passes through the site, which has been culverted and may require upsizing. 

The identified capacity of the site as 62 units is for indicative purposes but a higher density would be acceptable on the site (subject to detailed matters in relation to design and layout) due to its proximity to Caerphilly train and bus stations.

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HG1.66 – Gas Works Site, Caerphilly

2.2 Ha

55 units


A large brownfield site formerly used as a gasholder station. The majority of the site has been cleared and is located to the east of a railway line, with residential development on all other boundaries. Access to the site is to be obtained from Mill Road.

An outline planning application has been submitted on the site, which has been deferred for the completion of a Section 106 agreement.

A small part of the site lies within zone C of the flood plain and should any new applications be submitted on the site it will be necessary for an acceptable Flood Consequences Assessment to accompany any future application.

Should any new applications be submitted, it may be necessary for a site development brief to be produced to identify the ways in which constraints to development can be overcome and principal design requirements.

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HG1.67 – Caerphilly Miners Hospital, Caerphilly

3.26 Ha

114 units


This site comprises the existing Miners Hospital in Caerphilly, which is due to close when the new general hospital at Ystrad Mynach (allocated under CF1.17) opens in 2010, as well as a sloping field directly south of the site. The site is located within a predominately residential area, although Western Industrial Estate is located to the north of the site.

A National Cycle Route along a dismantled railway forms the northern boundary to the site and should be protected as part of any development

Access to the site can be obtained either from Cae Uwchllyn or Watford Road, subject to improvements to the junction.

The hedgerows forming the western, southern and eastern boundaries of the site should be retained where possible as part of any development. A site development brief will be produced to identify the ways in which constraints to development can be overcome and principal design requirements.

Contributions to off site play and recreation facilities at St Martin’s School will be requiredin addition to appropriate onsite open space.

The Council will look favourably on the retention of part of the existing hospital building for community use.

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HG1.68 – Castlegate, Caerphilly

24.1 Ha

259 units


A large brownfield site, formerly a waste tip that has undergone major reclamation to allow for its beneficial afteruse.  It is bounded to the west and south by classified roads and to the north and east by a housing estate.

The site was granted outline planning consent for a mixed-use development comprising housing, leisure and open space, commercial, offices and community facilities in 2004. There have been subsequent reserved matters applications for the phased construction of the housing component of the site by several major housebuilders. 

As part of the development, improvements to the A468 Nantgarw Hill between the Penrhos and Nantgarw roundabouts have been undertaken through a Section 106 agreement, in addition to a funding for the provision of additional classroom facilities at local primary and secondary schools.

As of the base date of 1st April 2007, the site was under construction and 259 of the 508 dwellings with consent had not been started.  Allocations have also been made for the commercial, community facilities and leisure mix of uses (refer to CM4.14,CF1.30and LE4.15).

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HG1.69 – Hendre Infants School, Caerphilly

0.46 Ha 

16 units


The site of a current school building, bordered to the east by the Caerphilly northern bypass, to the west by St Cenydd Road and north of St Cenydd roundabout. Several dwellings are located to the north of the site. The allocation of this site is linked to the relocation of pupils to additional classroom accommodation at Hendre Junior School (allocated under CF1.27).

Access to the site can be obtained from St Cenydd Road subject to substantial improvements to the entrance into the site and the provision of new pedestrian crossing facilities.

A contribution to play and recreation space at Aneurin Park, Penyrheol will be required.

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HG1.70 – Cwm Ifor Primary School, Caerphilly

2.8 Ha

46 units


An irregular shaped parcel of land, proposed for a mixed-use development involving a replacement primary school (allocated under CF1.25) and housing. The site is bordered on the southern, eastern and western boundaries by residential development within the Penyrheol area of Caerphilly and to the north of Aneurin Park.

The existing school buildings and playgrounds are currently located in the eastern part of the site, although it is proposed that the buildings be relocated on the undeveloped western part of the site, allowing 1.3 hectares on the site to come forward for residential development.

Access to the site should be retained off Caledfryn Way via the existing gate.

The trees located in the southern part of the site should be retained as part of any development. A site development brief will be produced to identify the ways in which constraints to development can be overcome and principal design requirements.

A contribution to play and recreation space at Aneurin Park, Penyrheol will be required.

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HG1.71 – Land east of Coedcae Road, Abertridwr

0.78 Ha

27 units


The site comprises several plots of land, including land currently being utilised as a smallholding, and for parking and the storage of materials. The site lies to the east of the residential street of Coedcae Road.  A dismantled railway, currently used as cycle track lies south of the site and playing fields are located to the north.

The public highway, Coedcae Road, ends to the west of the site and therefore the existing track serving the site will need to be upgraded to acceptable standards. In addition, an area of residents’ car parking will be required to serve existing houses on Coedcae Road.

Mature trees on the northern boundary of the site should be retained as part of any development. A site development brief will be produced to identify the ways in which constraints to development can be overcome and principal design requirements.

A contribution towards upgrading play and recreation space off site at Abertridwr Park will be required.

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HG1.72 – Windsor Colliery, Abertridwr

5.51 Ha

193 units


This is a reclaimed area of land, which has been profiled to accommodate development. The land comprises a large flat plateau, which extends from the western valley to the B4263.  The land drops steeply to the Nant Cwmparc along the eastern boundary. 

A new school has been developed to the north of the site and a new housing estate is located to the east. A good access arrangement is already in place.

There are records of culverts under the site and this should be taken into account in the design of any development.

A masterplan will be prepared for the site and the indicative number of units may change as a result of this. There will be a requirement to provide an onsite playing pitch as part of the development.

It is anticipated that the load generated by the development may require the reinforcement of the gas network. An element of this reinforcement may be chargeable to the developer. 

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HG1.73 – Land West of Coronation Terrace, Senghenydd

0.76 Ha

12 units


This site is a 0.76 hectare site roughly rectangular in shape located on a steeply sloping area of land to the north west of Coronation Terrace, Senghenydd.  The gradient of the site falls from east down to the western boundary. The land is currently overgrown and contains a number of trees. Due to the site gradients, approximately one quarter of the site area cannot be developed and should therefore be landscaped.

The site was granted outline planning consent in 2006. As of the base date of the 1st April 2007 Joint Housing Land Availability Study, none of the these units had been started.

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HG1.74 – Jeremy Oils, Llanbradach

1.8 Ha

45 units


The site comprises the former Jeremy Oils storage and distribution depot and the adjacent fields.  The western boundary of the site is formed by the Cardiff / Rhymney railway line.  To the north there are a small number of residential properties and to the south there is a strip of allotment land and further residential development.

The site was granted planning consent for 79 dwellings in 2006.As of the base date of the 1st April 2007 Joint Housing Land Availability Study, 45 of the 79 units had not been started.

Part of the site lies within zone C of the flood plain and should any new applications be submitted on the site, it will be necessary for an acceptable Flood Consequences Assessment to accompany any future application.

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