



Polulation and Human Health
Living Environment Community Plan Theme 
Issue Objective Indicator Target Source SA Area
1. Resource Consumption To reduce the average resource consumption of each resident a) Ecological footprint of each resident  (GHa/person) Reduce the 2006 ecological footprint of residents Counting Consumption Environmental
b) Number of properties benefiting from energy saving grants Maintain or increase the yearly rate of the number of properties gaining benefit from energy saving grants, in comparison to the 2005 level CCBC Energy Data Environmental
2. Housing To improve the condition of housing and ensure the range of housing types are accessible to meet the needs of residents. c) Percentage of unfit dwellings Eliminate the total number of unfit/non- decent homes by the end of the Plan period by reducing numbers each year CCBC Performance Plan Social
d) Average house price compared to average earnings Reduce house price/earnings ratio

Land Registry data

3. Crime To reduce the incidence of crime e) Burglary from a dwelling per 1,000 of population Levels of Burglary to remain at least 10% below Wales average Social
f) Percentage of residents by gender expressing fear of crime whilst walking in neighbourhood To reduce the perceived fear of crime whilst walking within the neighbourhood CCBC Household Survey Social


Population and Human Health
Education For Life Community Plan Theme
Issue Objective Indicator Target Source SA Area
4. Education To improve educational achievement g) Percentage of children at 15/16 with 5 or more Grades A-C passes at GCSE Maintain a higher percentage rate of children of 15/16 years of age achieving 5 or more Grades A-C passes at GCSE than the Wales average CCBC Performance Plan Social
h) Percentage of adults with literacy 2 numeracy skills Increase the percentage of adults with literacy and numeracy skills at a rate higher than the Wales average CCBC Performance Plan Social
5. Equalities To allow equal opportunities for all i) Number of racist incidents Maintain numbers of recorded racist incidents at a lower level than the Wales average

j) Percentage of Black Minority Ethnic school childrenaged 15/16 with 5 or more Grades a-c passes at GCSE Maintain numbers of recorded racist incidents at a lower level than the Wales average CCBC Performance Plan Social
k) Number of recorded access complaints Reduce actual numbers of recorded complaints regarding access year on year CCBC Performance Plan Social


Population and Human Health
Regeneration Community Plan Theme
Issue Objective Indicator Target Source SA Area
6. Employment To increase the percentage of people of working age in employment l) Percentage of people of working age in employment Increase the percentage of people of working age in employment to the UK national average - census data

m) Levels of economic inactivity Decrease the level of economic inactivity to t he UK national average - census data

n) Number of active volunteers To retain current levels of volunteering - gavo data

7. Wealth – Level of Economic Activity To increase the wealth of individuals in CCBC o) GVA: trend to reduce differential with rest of UK To reduce the differential of Caerphilly GVA to that of the UK national average by 20% by the end of the Plan period

p) Average earnings Reduce the differential between Caerphilly average earnings and the UK national average by 20% by the end of the Plan period

q) Number of children receiving free School meals To reduce the percentage of children receiving free school meals to the UK national average by the end of the Plan period

r) Index of multiple deprivation Reduce the number of Caerphilly CBC wards within the top 100 most deprived wards

8. Business To ensure a sufficient range of employment sites are available s) Level of inward investment Increase the average amount of inward investment in comparison to the 2000-2005 average CCBC Economic Development Data Economic
t) Vacancy levels of industrial and commercial units

Maintain a vacancy rate lower than the average for the South Wales Valleys

Maintain a vacancy rate below that of the 2005 rate
CCBC Economic Development Data Economic
u) Business start up rates Maintain business start up rates are higher than the Wales average CCBC Economic Development Data Economic


Population and Human Health
Health, Social Care & Well-Being Community Plan Theme
Issue Objective Indicator Target Source SA Area
9. Health To improve the health of individuals v) Life expectancy (Standard Mortality Rates) Increase life expectancy to Wales average levels by the end of the Plan period Social
w) Percentage of population of working age on Invalidity Benefit Reduce the percentage of population of working age claiming invalidity benefit to UK national average levels Economic
10. Population To retain the population of County Borough to at leastcurrent levels and attain a more balanced demographic structure? x) Perceptions of the County Borough  Improve the levels of satisfaction expressed by residents of the County Borough, particularly in the Heads of the Valleys Regeneration Area

y) Population level and balance

Retain or increase existing levels of population

Achieve a proportion of elderly residents more in line with the Wales average level by the end of the Plan period

11. Well-being To allow all residents easy access to leisure facilities z) Percentage of the population with 2 hectares or more of natural greenspace in accordance with the CCW model for accessible natural greenspace (Greenspace Toolkit). Increase the percentage of population with 2 or more hectares of natural greenspace in accordance with the CCW Greenspace Toolkit Social
aa) Numbers of people participating in sport Increase number of users of leisure centres and playing pitches in comparison to the 2005 levels CCC Leisure data Social
bb) Numbers of allotments let

Retain or increase the area provided for allotments within the County Borough

Increase the percentage of allotments let
CCC Leisure data Social


Air Pollution
Living Environment Community Plan Theme
Issue Objective Indicator Target Source SA Area
1. Air Quality To reduce air, noise, light and odour pollution and ensure air quality improves. a) Number of incidents when NO2 air quality fails

Consistently reduce the number of incidents of NO2 air quality failure

Achieve no incidents of NO2 air quality failure by the end of the Plan period
CCBC Air Quality Data Environmental
b) Number of sites where NO2 failures occur

Consistently reduce the number of locations of NO2 air quality failure

Achieve no locations of NO2 air quality failure by the end of the Plan period
CCBC Air Quality Data Environmental
c) Number of recorded noise complaints To reduce the number of justified noise complaints in comparison to the 2005 level CCBC Complaints Data Environmental
d) Number of recorded light nuisance complaints To reduce the number of justified light complaints in comparison to the 2005 level CCBC Complaints Data Environmental
e) Number of recorded odour related complaints To reduce the number of justified odour complaints in comparison to the 2005 level CCBC Complaints Data Environmental


Cultural Heritage and Landscape
Living Environment Community Plan Theme
Issue Objective Indicator Target Source SA Area
1. Landscape To protect the landscape value of the most important landscapes in the County Borough and maintain a clean and accessible environment to encourage a greater sense of belonging. a) Numbers of refused planning applications in landscape designated as SLAs Maintain or increase the proportion of applications refused within designated SLAs CCBC Development Control Monitoring Environmental
b) Area of land under agreed management for landscape improvement or protection Increase year on year the amount of land under approved management

Tir Gofal
c) Area of land beyond defined settlement boundaries developed for nonagricultural uses Reduce the area of land, outside of defined settlement boundaries, developed each year for nonagricultural related uses in comparison to 2005 levels CCBC Development Control Monitoring Environmental
d) Numbers of reported incidents of fly tipping and abandoned cars Reduction of incidents of fly tipping and abandoned cars in comparison with 2005 numbers CCBC Development Control Monitoring Environmental
e) Area of land subject to an environmental management agreement tied to a planning consent Increase in land subject to environmental management through S106 agreements CCBC Development Control Monitoring Environmental
f) Area of land within Historic Landscapes affected by new developments Realise no cases where development has been permitted on land within historic landscapes against Cadw advice CCBC Development Control Monitoring Social


Cultural Heritage and Landscape
Living Environment Community Plan Theme
Issue Objective Indicator Target Source SA Area
2. Culture To protect the cultural identity of the County Borough g) Percentage of school children in welsh medium education Maintain existing levels of pupils being taught through welsh medium education CCBC Performance Plan Social
h) Number of community groups registered with the Gwent Association of Volunteers (GAVO) Maintain or increase the numbers of voluntary organisations registered with GAVO, in comparison to 2000 levels. GAVO Monitoring Data Social
3. Historic Assets To protect and enhance important historic assets i) Number of buildings on the “Buildings at Risk” register To continually decrease the number of listed buildings on the Register (Once it has been produced). CCBC Register of Buildings at Risk (When Produced) Social
j) Number of developments following advice of the Glamorgan and Gwent Archaeological Trust (GGAT) Realise no cases where development, which affects historic assets, that have been permitted contrary to GGAT advice. CCBC Development Control Monitoring Social
k) Number of planning refusals for development proposals on land within Historic Parks and Gardens Realise 100% of planning applications for development in Historic Parks and Gardens be determined in accordance with GGAT and/or Cadw advice. CCBC Development Control Monitoring Social
l) Number of Listed Buildings and Scheduled Ancient Monuments improved and/or brought into beneficial use. Increase the number of listed buildings and Scheduled Ancient Monuments improved and/or brought back into beneficial use through the Plan period CCBC Development Control Monitoring Social


Living Environment Community Plan Theme
Issue Objective Indicator Target Source SA Area
1. Water Quantity, Quality and Use To protect aquifers and improve the quality and quantity of the water in our rivers and to reduce water consumption a) Percentage of river lengths good or better quality for chemical quality

Continually improve both the length and rating of the chemical quality rivers in comparison to 2005 levels

100% of rivers reaching Grade C or above, in respect of chemical quality, by the end of the Plan period Environmental
b) Percentage of river lengths good or better quality for biological quality

Continually improve both the length and rating of the biological quality rivers in comparison to 2005 levels

100% of rivers reaching Grade C or above, in respect of biological quality, by the end of the Plan period

c) Litres of water consumed per resident Reduce the levels of water consumption per resident to below 2005 levels Environmental
d) The number and volume of Environment Agency licensed abstractions Maintain abstractions within Environment Agency guidelines

e) Number of Environment Agency recorded pollution incidents Year on year reduction in the number and seriousness of EA recorded pollution incidents Environment Agency Monitoring Data Environmental
2. Flood To minimise the number of developments affected by flooding f) Percentage of development in flood risk area approved contrary to EA advice Realise no cases where development is permitted within the flood risk area contrary to Environment Agency advice CCBC Development Control Monitoring Data Environmental
g) Number of residents of flood risk areas taking appropriate action. Increase the number of residents living in flood risk areas taking advice from Environment Agency Environment Agency Data Environmental
h) Number of properties flooded Reduction in the number of properties flooded in comparison with pre-2006 levels Environment Agency Data Environmental
i) Amount of approved development within C1 and C2 as defined by TAN 15 Realise no cases where development is permitted in areas identified within Flood zones C1 and C2 without agreed mitigation being undertaken CCBC Development Control Monitoring Data Environmental


Geology and Geomorphology
Living Environment Community Plan Theme
Issue Objective Indicator Target Source SA Area
1. Soils To make the most efficient use of land and to reduce contamination and safeguard soil quantity, quality and permeability. a) Hectares of development on agricultural land of grades 1,2 and 3A. No Grade 1, 2 or 3A agricultural land is lost to nonagricultural development

b) Area of development on brownfield land That 78.5% of residential development takes place on brownfield land (percentage will not be known until sites are allocated) CCBC Development Control Monitoring Environmental
c) Hectares of land reclaimed Reduce the amount of derelict land throughout the Plan period CCBC Development Control Monitoring Environmental
d) Number of potentially contaminated sites brought into use via remediation and redevelopment Reduce the overall number of potentially contaminated sites within the County Borough CCBC Environmental Health Data Environmental
2. Geology To protect geologically important sites and improve their accessibility e) Area of approved development on land designated as RIGs or geological SSSIs No loss of land or setting for Regionally Important Geological Sites (RIGS) or geological Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) CCBC Development Control Monitoring Environmental
3. Waste To reduce the amount of waste produced and increase the reuse of materials f) Total tonnes of waste to landfill Reduce the amount of waste going to landfill by 1% per year between 2007 and 2017 CCBC Public Services Improvement Plan Environmental
g) Percentage of municipal waste recycled Increase recycling from municipal waste from 27% to 40% by 2017 and to maintain the increase to the end of the Plan period CCBC Public Services Improvement Plan Environmental
h) Average amount of waste per household Reduce the amount of waste produced per household per year to ¾ tonne by 2013 and maintain the reduction Public Services Monitoring Data Environmental
i) Percentage of biodegradable waste diverted from landfill Reduce the percentage of biodegradable waste going to landfill to 35% of t he 1995 year level by 2020 CCBC Public Services Improvement Plan Environmental
j) Number of sites providing public recycling facilities Increase the number of facilities over the Plan period CCBC Public Services Improvement Plan Environmental
k) Percentage of construction and demolition waste reused Reuse of construction and demolition waste increased to in excess of 80% by the end of the Plan period CCBC Public Services Improvement Plan Environmental


Living Environment Community Plan Theme
Issue Objective Indicator Target Source SA Area
1. Biodiversity To enhance the biodiversity of the County Borough a) Percentage of selected BAP species stable or increasing

Ensure the presence of all 26 monitored species is retained in the County Borough throughout the Plan period

Realise an increase in number and range of selected species over the Plan period
Local Biodiversity Action Plan Environmental
b) Area of biological SSSI lost to development No net loss of area of biological SSSI to development CCBC Development Control Monitoring Environmental
c) No net loss of area of land identified as LNR or SINC as a result of development Reduce the percentage of land identified as LNR or SINC below that lost under the previous development plan CCBC Development Control Monitoring Environmental
d) Numbers of approved planning applications including loss of hedgerows and woodlands Less than 1% of planning applications result in the loss or compromise of woodland or hedgerows CCBC Development Control Monitoring Environmental
e) Reduce the area of coverage of key invasive plant species Reduce the coverage of Japanese Knotweed, Himalayan Balsam and Giant Hogweed throughout the County Borough to 205 of the 2007 level CCBC Countryside and Landscape Data Environmental


Climactic Factors
Living Environment Community Plan Theme
Issue Objective Indicator Target Source SA Area
1. Climate Change To reduce the total amount of CO2 produced within the County Borougheach year a) Tonnes of CO2 / year Reduce CO2 emissions to 80% of the 1999 levels by 2010 and to 69% of 1999 levels by 2021 Counting Consumption Stockholm Convention Environmental
b) Carbon Footprint Reduce the carbon footprint residents of the County Borough below the 2006 level New Monitoring Mechanism Required Environmental
c) Number of businesses adopting environmental management systems Year on year increase in numbers of businesses adopting environmental management schemes CCBC Economic Development Monitoring Data Environmental


Climactic Factors
Regeneration Community Plan Theme
Issue Objective Indicator Target Source SA Area
2. Transport To reduce congestion by minimising the need to travel, encourage alternatives to the car and make best use of the existing transport infrastructure d) Levels of private car ownership Maintain car ownership levels below the Wales average

e) Levels of public transport usage Year on year increases in public transport patronage throughout the Plan period CCBC Transport Monitoring Data Social
f) Average journey time data

Realise decrease in average car journey times from 2006 level by the end of the Plan period

Road traffic reduction in accordance with government 10 year plan
CCBC Transport Monitoring Data Social
g) No companies adopting green travel plans Year on year increase in numbers of businesses adopting Green Travel Plans CCBC Transport Monitoring Data Economic
h) Percentage of public footpath network open Year on year increase in lengths of public footpaths open and accessible CCBC Rights of Way Improvement Plan Environmental
i) Number of school travel plans prepared 100% of schools to have a travel plan by the end of the Plan period CCBC Highways Department Travel Plans Environmental
3. Energy To increase the proportion of energy gained from renewable sources j) Percentage of energy used in CCB generated from renewable sources Ensure levels of corporate energy use does not fall below the 50% target set for 2010 CCBC Corporate Energy Data Environmental
k) Amount of renewable energy supplied to the national grid Increase amount of energy supplied to the national grid over the Plan period

l) Number of new build properties generating electricity from renewable sources. All new housing development to produce at least 10% of their energy requirement by the end of the Plan period CCBC Planning and Property Services Data Environmental


Material Assets
Regeneration Community Plan Theme
Issue Objective Indicator Target Source SA Area
1. Material Assets To improve the performance of material assets within the County Borough a) Length of highway improved   CCBC Highways Data Environmental
b) Number of CSO (sewers) overflows Reduction in the number of CSOs throughout the County Borough during the Plan period. Welsh Water Data Environmental
c) % satisfaction with town & village centres

Increased levels of general satisfaction expressed by residents towards town and village centres throughout the County Borough.

Significantly higher increase in levels of satisfaction expressed by residents in the Heads of the Valleys Regeneration Area in comparison to the County Borough average.

d) % of households connected to the internet

Year on year increase in the number of households connected to the internet.

Achieve UK national average levels of internet connectivity across the County Borough.
